Trivia Submission

Scholarz NFT
1 min readJan 14, 2022

Hello Scholarz!

We have launched an update to our dashboard. Tired of doing trivia? Questions are not good / challenging enough? Now you can submit your own trivia as part of the homework. You need to have at least 1 Genesis Scholarz to do this.

Couple of things we look for in your submissions:
1. Context — general knowledge, non-trivial stuff, things that might be worth knowing about

2. Correctness — we try to fact check all the submissions, but if we miss, please remind us and we will correct them manually

3. Spell check — less important, but please be aware that we have to fix typos manually and this requires significant amount of work.

You have 24 hours to submit your trivia. Then, we will verify your submissions manually for the next 24 hours. At the end of the day, accepted submissions will receive 500 EXP.

Please keep in mind that this homework will not be necessarily available every week, in case we need to pause this for a while.

Stay tuned for the next update.




Scholarz NFT

Scholarz is a collection of ERC721 tokens based on ethereum blockchain, focusing on learn to earn concept with playground.